
Terms of Service

Terms of Service :

This contract has been established between Skynet company with registration number 282.110.1399491 and the marketer who owns the above location, and the marketer accepts all the conditions mentioned in this contract by checking the box below the contract and is required to comply with all provisions. Skynet company is also mentioned in the contract.


Advertising about the company’s products and selling products, as well as introducing the plan and attracting people interested in doing this business.

From the date of registration of the marketer and at the same time of signing this contract, the company is obliged to pay the commission explained on the site according to the income plan for 12 years if the marketer is active. Also, there is no obligation for the activity of registered or unregistered people in the company. There is no Skynet and every marketer can start or stop his activity whenever he sees fit.

First year subscription fee given as gift by us, After one year, every marketer must pay $100 to the company for his annual charge and membership renewal. If three months have passed since the payment date and the marketer does not pay the above fee, the company can cancel the above position and deactivate it forever. The marketer will have no right to object. Also, before the deadline, a reminder email will be sent to you. If you do not renew after one month, your position will be yellow, after two months, red, and after three months, it will be black, and it will be disabled forever. The suspension of your sub-group points will not be calculated and reserved for the above position.


The company is committed to transfer the marketer’s commission to his account according to the approved plan no later than fifteen days after the calculated week.
The company is committed to deliver the products purchased by the customer to the post within thirty days from the time of the customer’s request for delivery and inform the customer how to track the shipment.

The company is committed to put the trainings required by the marketers on the site to improve the quality of people’s performance in doing this business and update them if needed.
The company is obliged to post the necessary explanations on the website about the offered products.

The company cannot oblige the buyer of the product to be active in the field of networking and use of the income generation plan. The use of the company’s business plan is completely optional.

The company can change and modify its income generation plan and business plan whenever it deems appropriate, and in case of change and modification, the marketer has no right to object.
(Our priority is the satisfaction of the marketers and our efforts have always been and will be in the direction of increasing the marketers’ commission)

Determining the price of the products is the responsibility of the company’s pricing council, and the company can reduce or increase the price of the products whenever it deems appropriate, and marketers have no right to object to the price of the products and its reduction or increase.

By signing this contract, the marketer acknowledges that he has registered and purchased from the company fully knowingly and in good health, and is fully familiar with the company’s revenue generation plan and business plan. Skynet is aware of and is required to comply with them, and in case of any changes or amendments to these regulations and regulations and the above contract, it has no objection and must keep pace with these changes. The marketer is obliged to view or study the trainings available on the site if he wants to engage in networking activities and obliges his subordinates to view and study these trainings. The marketer is obliged to accompany and support his direct subordinates for education. As long as the marketer has a position in Skynet company, he does not have the right to work in another marketing company, and the marketer does not have the right to model or copy the company’s business plan, and if these violations are found, the position of the offending marketer will be suspended, and if it continues, it will be canceled forever. will be. The marketer does not have the right to sell the products of this company to another marketer. If according to the laws of your country, your income includes tax, the payment of income tax will be the responsibility of the marketer. The marketer does not have the right to sell products other than those available on the site to the company’s marketers. The marketer has no right to attract applicants introduced by other marketers, and in this case the complaining marketer will have the right to file a complaint. All people must declare and register the name of their heir when registering. In case of death, the designated heir marketer can request to change the name of the position by providing the required documents.

If necessary, the company will notify possible changes to this contract through the website or newsletter.


How the company and marketers generate income: The only way for Skynet to generate income is to sell its products all over the world.
SKYNET.MARKETING offers an income generating plan to the buyers of its products. The buyers of the products are completely free and empowered to take part in this project and use it for their income generation.

The company’s revenue generation plan for product buyers is as follows:
After buying a product from the site, if any buyer wants to earn money from selling the company’s products, he can introduce the company’s products to other people and receive rewards for people buying from the company according to the income plan of the company’s site.
The company allocates three income-generating positions for all people who buy the company’s products completely free of charge. The buyer is completely free to generate income from these three positions or not.
But if the buyer wants to do marketing for the company’s products, he can use one, two or all three of his positions for marketing and receive rewards for selling the company’s products.

The conditions for receiving the bonus are as follows:
If there are two buyers introduced by the referrer, and these two people have bought $100 each in two different lines, the company is obliged to pay $20 as a bonus to the referrer.
In total, for every 100 dollars that the introduced people buy in two different lines of the company’s products, the company pays a bonus of 20 dollars to their referrer.
According to the existing plan, people can introduce only two buyers of the product to the company for each location, and for every $100 purchase that both people make in two different lines, $20 bonus will be paid to their referrer.
Also, in order to prevent seduction or pressure or coercion of the referrers on their people, in order to buy more than needed from the company, the bonus paid for each person will be calculated up to 1800 dollars for the referrer and for the excess purchase of more than 1800 dollars from a No reward is given to the representative.
After this stage, people are free to choose to continue their income generation or not to continue it, if they want to continue it, they can send a request to see additional training in the field of marketing to the company’s email.
After learning the training, if these people manage their introduced people so that they can also introduce their people to buy the product, the said person can also receive their management bonus from the company at lower levels. No marketing has the right to force its people to work in the company’s income plan.
Explaining that Skynet company calculates the bonus amount based on the smaller line of people and the remaining sales of the larger line is saved for calculation in the following weeks.
Also, the income limit of each location that entered the marketing plan for selling products with a purchase of $100 is $600 per week, if it entered the marketing plan with a purchase of $200, it is $1,200, and a location that entered the plan with a purchase of $300 can receive a maximum of $1,800. Receive per week. In addition, after each position reaches the income limit of the larger line’s reserves, the position will be zero.
The sixth commission of each station is called cycle and instead of 20 dollars, people are given one point, the points are redeemed with various goods and services of the company. The pricing of bicycle points is the responsibility of the company, and marketers have no right to object to the set price or introduced goods and services.
The company is obliged to deposit the bonus of the marketers after the end of each week, no later than 15 days after that. Every marketer can stop his marketing activity whenever he sees fit.
Marketers are not employed by the company in any way, and the activity or non-activity, or the continuation and cessation of activity is at the disposal and choice of individuals.
The bonus is given only for the sale of each person’s organization, and no bonus will be paid if the sale stops.
All marketers are required to read the contract developed on the site completely and carefully while registering on the Skynet site to purchase the product, and after confirming it, they will not have the right to make any objections.
Marketers are required to read the disciplinary code of marketers approved by the company’s board of directors.
Board approvals are binding for buyers, marketers and board members.
This statute has been compiled to prevent the violation of the rights of the company’s owners and managers and product buyers as well as people who intend to market the company’s products and has been approved by the company registration organization sph in Armenia.
This statute has been compiled in seven paragraphs and approved by Skynet’s board of directors.


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